Wednesday, May 22, 2013

In progress

 The last six weeks have held four trips away for Dustin, one lovely family wedding in Fresno, dear family visiting us, Josiah's birthday, my usual teaching schedule, Dustin's current especially hectic work schedule, plus closing on a house with the all painting and packing work entailed (3 days left!). More pictures will be posted eventually, but in the meantime, here are the boys hard at work:

Painting the boys' room blue, at Elijah's request; he'd really like the room to have lots of different shades of blue, but we're sticking with one for the walls.

Priming the closet doors

If you look carefully, you can spot the cheese stick in Josiah's left hand--the beloved snack during our afternoons of work. I bought 24 a week ago; now there are none, and J ate most of them by far

Taking a break from his work

Painting the closet doors; Josiah told me it was snowy and that he was painting a snowman; Elijah's critique was that snowmen are much rounder