Wednesday, September 3, 2014

First week of Kindergarten

Elijah started kindergarten last week. I had to explain to him the non-co-op part of homeschooling. :) On our just us days, we will do math, handwriting, and phonics (and whatever else we want to add); on co-op days, we will do more extras---artist study, composer study, catechism/hymn/bible memory, science, geography, art projects, etc. I have six kindergarteners (plus my wonderful tagalongs) two days a week and 5 preschoolers & 2 kindergarteners (plus baby) one day a week.
Our first day of kindergarten looked a lot like our other days since we've been doing phonics most days for the last month. We did a math lesson and also read a couple of chapters from "Mighty Mars Rovers" and "NASA Space Vehicles" (I think bedtime reading was from "The Book of Astronauts"). Space is Elijah's current research project. We read lots and lots of space books these days! He is so engaged in the story of Spirit and Opportunity on Mars -- will Spirit be able to climb the hill? Will Opportunity make to the next crater? It takes us about 10 minutes just to read a two page spread between the detail of information and all of Elijah's thoughts and questions.
First day!

Day two--playing with friends both in the morning and after rest time with some phonics and math on the side.

Day three--start of co-op! We had a good first day--nice to have school friends back.

Math games

Claire did her part and napped three out of the four hours



After school building: I think its a Gemini capsule in orbit; the
bear in hand is doing a space walk

Josiah's rocket Saturn 5-2 ready to launch
 Day four--co-op again! Highlight was taking the play kitchen outside to make a seaside restaurant like in "Night of the Moonjellies."

Elijah was inspired by "Me on the Map" and wanted to get started early on making his own book.
Drawing a map of his room

Sorting coins
 Day five -- math, handwriting, phonics, followed by Elijah wanting to finish his "Me on the Map" project. He put together maps of his room, house, street, town, state, country, and world basically by himself.

And everyday (of course!) included more space vehicle building out of blocks and space books. Must find out what happens to the rovers next!

Math--RightStart Level A
Phonics--Phonics Museum
Handwriting--Handwriting without Tears
Geography--continent study
Science--"DK Eye Wonder Plants" + experiments (first quarter)
Fine Arts--Florentine artists, Austrian composers
Literature--Five in a Row
Bible--catechism, hymn memorization, Bible passage memorization

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