Our big science experiment for February was attempting to hatch chicks! My fourth graders were studying birds, my sister had an incubator to lend, and friends had done it before successfully--all set.
It took two tries to get the eggs from Little Saigon. But take one resulted in a nice family evening of exploring the area and enjoying a delicious Vietnamese dinner, providing inspiration for E's birthday dinner. And take two brought the company of dear friends, more Vietnamese food, and a dozen eggs to bring home.
Turning the eggs |
Making an embryo development calendar |
In theory, hatch day was to be Monday, Feb 24 (day 21) |
Our set-up |
We carefully turned the eggs, watched the temperature and humidity, and waited and waited. (More stressful than I had anticipated, given that there is very little for one to actually do.)
On Day 21, some wobbling had been spotted (my students were better at seeing it than me), but no cracks. The next day, the boys and I optimistically went to feed store get the needed chick food and bedding; we decided to bring home two adorable little 5 day old chicks to ensure that our experiment didn't end in disappointment.
Blackie, named by Josiah, and Whitey, named by Elijah |
Chicks were well adored at school and more egg wobbling was observed (day 23).
And then, on day 24, there was a crack!
The afternoon was spent obsessively watching our little eggs. School friends trickled in and out all afternoon to catch a glimpse of the action (in retrospect, it was just as well the chicks didn't start to hatch during school because focus would have been non-existent). L stayed for hours, carefully watching and watching, noting every little changed. We could see the little beak and his eye through the small hole, as well as hear the occasional peep.
That night, he finally hatched all of a sudden. By morning two more had joined him, and three more eggs looked promising (day 25).
Freshly hatched, still in the incubator |
One chick looked
so closed to hatching that we kept watching and watching. L and her family came back to see some action. The boys and I were supposed to head out to Arizona that morning, so we kept delaying thinking it would hatch any moment. It didn't. We finally gave up, told our friends to lock the door on their way out, and got on the road.
Aren't they cute? |
All five together, ready for transport to N's for the weekend |
Dustin got to spend that weekend on chick watch (and working). 7 of the 12 hatched, but one didn't make it from the start and we lost two others in the following few days.
More cute chick pictures to come!
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