Our November:
On their boats; the wrapping paper rolls are cannons. Josiah is always excited to point out the "cannons!" when we are running errands. |
Ready for future duets |
A highlight of the month was going to the Civil War Reenactment in Moorpark with my fourth graders. We wandered through the encampments and ended up staying for two battles. Elijah declared he was done with the Revolutinary War and ready for the Civil War. This ended up not quite being true; but most library visits result in an equal amount of books from each war.
We splurged and got the boys rifles, which they play with most days. Right after the reenactment, we headed up to my Grandma's, so both boys were marching through the retirement home with their guns. |
Grandma came to visit for Great Grandpa's surgery |
Elijah frequently falls asleep like this; every night he pours over his Revolutionary War and Civil War books |
Writing a report on the Revolutionary War |
Josiah giving his report on the Revolutionary War |
Caterpillars for our science unit on insects |
Dustin helped the boys construct the ironclad USS Monitor, complete with a revolving turret |
Right before Thanksgiving, the boys and I headed to Phoenix, but that'll get its own post. We finished the month celebrating (but not photographing) Thanksgiving in Fresno. Dustin's brother hosted Thanksgiving, the boys spent lots of time playing games, and Dustin and I even went out to see a movie.
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