Friday, February 24, 2017

1st Birthday!

Our baby turned one!

For his birthday, we headed to Disneyland. (He's one, so really it was just a convenient time for us to go, but his ideal day involves being held by mom all day, so he liked it, too.)

First visit for Josiah & Samuel; Claire was a pro because Grandpa & Grandma had taken her the week before.

Samuel loved the Tikki Room -- he clapped the entire time.

His other favorite ride was the carousel. All smiles!

They decided it was okay that we took the birthday boy to the un-birthday
tea party since he slept through it.
And a fun time was had by all until way too late at night!

And the next day was his family birthday party.

Grandma took the whole crew to the park while
I finished getting dinner ready.

Full table: both sets of grandparents, great grandparents, an uncle, and a great-great uncle:

He thought his carrot cake was pretty tasty and insisted he have a fork.

We love you, our dear little one year old!

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