We're still alive, but my computer is not...Of course it happened just as I was finally having some extra time to post pictures. So all of my summer and beginning of the school year photos are waiting to be transferred onto my yet-to-be-bought computer.
Here are a few glimpses from the last two weeks:
The boys discovered Dustin's legos in the move and are loving the couple of sets he's let them use. Josiah is quite proficient at them for a two year old.
More fine motor building play (magnets borrowed from Grandma):
And still more building (sensing a theme?):
Legos in our "play office," as Josiah calls it. We only recently decided to not rent the third bedroom, so this room still has the most unpacking that needs to happen. However, the room's usefulness has improved over the month the boys referred to the room as "the flannelgraph room." (I got out our flannel graph for our church's vacation bible school; the boys got into it; it takes forever to clean up, so I keep just letting them play with it as we had yet to decide the room's function. But we definitely do not have the space to devote a room to flannel graph play!)
Elijah's enjoying our science textbook for fourth grade, "Flying Creatures." Here he is carefully drawing insects in his science notebook.
Water colors on our new-to-us kitchen table!
We combined science nature walk, recess, and lunch time, and walked over to La Mirada Park. My fourth graders said that it was the best recess ever. The ducklings were a highlight!
We've been prepping for our New England trip next month. Prepping for Dustin looks like figuring out our itinerary and finding hotels. Prepping for me looks like requesting lots and lots of books from the library (new fact: apparently, the library limits you to 50 holds at time). Below Elijah is playing along to the folk song "A Fox Went out on a Chilly Night" and Josiah is reading along.
Our new digging spot:
Sensory bin work at preschool:
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