(from the drafts folder)

Two is quite the age! Lots of fun times. Life also has a greater undercurrent of urgency ("Tuck me in!" "My bear fell!")

He loves taking care of his "whole baby." Baby gets changed, feed, burped, and bathed. In the picture, he's using a rock as his bar of soap.

His imaginative play has grown lots. He can pretend without props. The other day, he stuck a flower upside down in a pot and told me he was drinking apple juice.

The transition to big brotherhood has not come without some bumps along the way. He alternates between being endearingly sweet and wanting to dispose of his brother as quickly as possible. "Daddy, hold Josiah! Two hands, Mommy!" And then on Sunday, he spontaneously went over to Josiah's bed to pray for him.

This kid talks and talks and talks. Since figuring out dependent clauses and conjunctions, his sentences have gotten quite long. I'd gotten used to hearing my phrases in his mouth, but now he repeats back whole sentences. Some of my favorite vocabulary additions: connection, Tchaikovsky, ingredients, pretend

After reading to him, he often takes the book with him to bed, although he complains that, "I don't remember the words!"

He loves to read! The first while of naptime is spent reading until I come in to tuck him in and tell him to put his book down. Favorites include anything Richard Scarry and anything vehicle-related; Shirley Hughes has also been popular.
He doesn't need much of a segue to jump into a conversation with his own thoughts. A mention of keeping track of something starts him off on a whole speech about trains. Or the other day I told him to eat his food, so he began talking about how Adam and Eve were not supposed to eat from the tree.
He loves to play with his trains, airport, and trucks! His little counting bears are always ready to join in.

Not that we were wondering, but he's definitely an introvert. We headed to a regional park for a family outing and as we got close, he yelled at the cars, "Go a different way. Too many cars!" He also told me the other day that there were too many kids (i.e., his brother was one too many).
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