We're finding age two highly entertaining!
Verbally: this kid talks and talks and talks! He consistently speaks in 4-8 word complete sentences. The ability to use conjunctions allows him to string together 10+ words at a time.
He's learning new words all the time, but few of my recent favorites are: missing, not yet, snuggle, derail, ready, follow, 'cause, dangerous, steep (as in for tea), switch.
He now asks "what" questions: "What's happening?" "What are you making, Mama?" and such. He can wax most eloquently on any transportation theme.
He now offers me affirmation: "That's a good plan." "Sounds good." "Good job." "That's a good idea." For less positive phrases, he'll tell others, "Don't share with me" (meaning leave my toys and me alone).
In more standard toddler developments: he can count into the teens with only a few numbers skipped. He will now sing a limited repertoire of songs (ABCs, the clean-up song, Happy Birthday, Jingle Bells, and Twinkle Twinkle). He narrates his drawings ("the chicken is in the airplane"). He likes to say his colors, although accuracy is low.
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