(from the drafts folder)
We're finding age two highly entertaining!

Verbally: this kid talks and talks and talks! He consistently speaks in 4-8 word complete sentences. The ability to use conjunctions allows him to string together 10+ words at a time.
He's learning new words all the time, but few of my recent favorites are: missing, not yet, snuggle, derail, ready, follow, 'cause, dangerous, steep (as in for tea), switch.
He now asks "what" questions: "What's happening?" "What are you making, Mama?" and such. He can wax most eloquently on any transportation theme.

He now offers me affirmation: "That's a good plan." "Sounds good." "Good job." "That's a good idea." For less positive phrases, he'll tell others, "Don't share with me" (meaning leave my toys and me alone).

He's added chicken nuggets to his diet--a protein source!

Academically, he favorite subject is music ("I listen carefully with kids"), followed closely by art. He also enjoys taking his math worksheet up to room time, since that what my students are starting in on downstairs. He has developed an enthusiasm for our read
alouds as well.
In more standard toddler developments: he can count into the teens with only a few numbers skipped. He will now sing a limited
repertoire of songs (ABCs, the clean-up song, Happy Birthday, Jingle Bells, and Twinkle Twinkle). He narrates his drawings ("the chicken is in the airplane"). He likes to say his colors, although accuracy is low.

He's good at staying focused for long periods of time. Stories, playdough, the sand box, and trains can hold his attention for 45+ minutes.

He loves routine. He knows what happens on what days of the week. He prefers consistency. For example, most Sunday evenings, Dustin takes Elijah to the park. Since they brought a banana and napkin along a couple of times, they must now always bring them along. Also, I am not to be included in this trip ("Mama, you stay home. We go bye.")--the one time I tagged along, I was not allowed to participate because it was not my proper place.