We are finding toddlerhood to be a delightful stage.

Elijah's vocabulary continues to blossom, containing lots of nouns and prepositions. He's been working on --er words: pepper, paper, diaper, under, helper as well as possessives (mommy's, daddy's) and plurals (babies). Now we just need some verbs and adjectives! His mamas and dadas are rapidly turning into mostly mommys and daddys. Today, I heard from another room, "Wa-wa (water). Hep peas (help please)." He had spilled a whole cup of water down his front.
He is too aware for Disneyland. His commentary on the rides is full of "no," "off," and "all done."He loves to play outside--the slide is a favorite. He likes to imitate the big kids; he'll try to climb up a pole like his friend N. by holding a pole, lifting up alternating feet. He's also just figuring out how to spin.
Enjoying the clock at "It's a Small World"We've been enjoying picture books this month.
Allan Ahlberg's "Each Peach Pear Plum" and "Mockingbird" have been hits. I think Elijah relates to the books because they are full of things he knows--birds, dogs, babies, swings.
So tired! It is hard to decide whether to eat or sleep.Elijah has lots of opinions now about music, frequently requesting it to be turned on or off. We've been particularly enjoying Saint-Saens's "Carnival of the Animals." He likes the lion best and calls it "roar."
He likes to play the piano and insists on having sheet music out to "play"
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