Sadly, the time has come to drop nap #2. I miss it. The adjustment was rough. The combination of dropping his nap and coming back from a trip where for three days he was held, carried, or driven to sleep turned going down for a nap from something simple and easy to do into a fight. Twice he fell asleep from exhaustion in high chair after refusing to sleep in his crib.

Since he was fighting me on naps regardless of location, we said good-bye to the beloved swing. Thankfully, he's back to napping nicely, although my work schedule is still adjusting to the new normal.

One food-related story and one sleep-related story:
The aggressive one: the other night, he woke up, so I brought him to bed to snuggle. Rather than laying down quietly, he decided that he wanted me to stand up with him--which he expressed by pulling my hair and pushing my head to get me into an upright position.
The sweet one: he was gnawing on an apple and wanted to share a bite with me. However, he is unable to pull a bit of the apple off with his hands, so he bit into the apple, pulled the apple bits back out of his mouth, and very happily offered them to me.
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