Elijah is now ten months. He loves cruising and crawling and will occasionally practice balancing on his own for a second. He likes to be on the move!

He got his first two teeth and has also mastered drinking from a straw.

He likes all things electronic--computers and phones are his favorites. He likes pushing buttons and seeing what they do.

He still loves his books. Favorite Christmas reads are "The Little Drummer Boy" and "Spot's First Christmas." "Goodnight, Gorilla," "Freight Train," and "Brown Bear, Brown Bear" continue to be favorite books. His favorite Christmas song is "Joy to the World," I think because that's the hymn my students were learning over the Christmas season.

He's weaned himself from the pacifier (for months now it has only been offered at naps and bedtime, and now it is strongly rejected). It is good only for chewing on.

He has said, "vroom," "bread," and "dada" appropriately multiple times, although he is not consistent in his language usage. He seems to be on the verge of saying many other words. The other morning I asked him to "Give daddy a kiss," and he turned and did!
"Elijah! Can you walk yet? What did you type in on the computer? Did you call anybody on the phone? Meow!"