January saw playtime with cousins:
Plus playtimes with second cousins, including meeting the newest second cousin just adopted from Eastern Europe.
And a visit from grandparents.
More Revolutionary War play, of course:
Wounded soldier--note the elevated arm |
Washing their clothes by hand |
Heritage Park in Cerritos--set up like Boston at the start of the Revolutionary War; we'd been before, but not since the obsession with the Revolutionary War started
We released our butterflies:
Goldfinches found our feeder |
Preschool work trays (most my preschool photos have other kids, but these are the few that don't):

With my daycare license complete, we started our new routine. Elijah's enjoying his new preschool class and Josiah seems to enjoy being the only littler kid and just plays and plays by himself. On Wednesdays, they swap and Josiah plays with cousins or my dad while Elijah stays home, who has explicitly told me he likes being the only non-4th grader.
Lots of coloring--and playdough, too, which is suprisingly unphotographed:
Elijah has been very carefully coloring in his Revolutionary War coloring books |
Lots of stories; Richard Scarry is a favorite for Josiah, Elijah continues to enjoy his Revolutionary War books (our library rule is that he can get as many new Revolutionary War/Civil War books as he returns to help moderate amounts):
We pulled out his two wheel bike for the first time:
Big strides were made in climbing:
The bunk beds have helped with climbing practice |
Elijah has been diligently working on solving the ball maze he got for Christmas; some nights we can hear the ball rolling and rolling and rolling as he practices over and over again.
The weather was unseasonably warm, so one night we roasted hot dogs in the fire pit and then made s'mores.
And many, many hours were spent playing Legos:
The boys play so, so nicely together; it's fun to watch them develop their friendship.