Josiah turned five months today! He continues to be happy, contented, easy-going little guy. We think he's just adorable!

This month, he's become my little shower buddy. He just barely fits in the Bumbo seat.

He rolled once a week ago. He is in no hurry to move.

Having given up on catching up to his brother in speed, he's working on size. The boys are about five pounds apart in weight. Josiah's 22ish lbs. and it's about time to get out the 9-12 month clothes.

He is so snuggly! He's content to just hang out in a lap, arms, or carrier. He also likes to talk and squeak and blow bubbles. The right words and facial expressions make him laugh and laugh.

He fascinated by toys now, exploring them in his hands. I love watching his little fingers work.

A couple pictures from earlier in the month: